Blogging about our smart kid

About Our Smart Child

Isaiah LopezMy name is German Lopez, and my wife's name is Nchim.  We both decided to put together this website as a dedication to our child Isaiah, and in the near future, should we decide, our future child or children as well.  We wanted to put together this blog page so that we could showcase different highlights about our child, as well as to write tips and other things that we've experienced in our time so far in having Isaiah and raising him.  If you are a parent reading this, as you already know, your child will go through so many changes quick and fast.  And while we didn't get to planning this website until Isaiah reached 2 years of age, we will still highlight some of his earlier years, current days, and anything in between.

Our son was born in early 2010, so at this point now, he's 2 years of age.  Since we've been raising him, he's been amazing us more and more each day, each week, and so on.  We didn't do anything completely out of the ordinary, nor have we placed him in a special academically gifted baby program or anything of that nature.  We simply raised him, loved on him, and enjoyed spending time with him.  We showed him things and kept repeating things to him in a fun and engaging way, and he started to learn more and more as we continued.

As time progressed, he started to amaze us with things like learning his ABC's before he was 1 year of age, and learning other things as well at a very early age, such as the difference between the lower and upper case letters, counting from one to ten, his colors, the names of shapes, and more!  He was learning and intrigued to say new words, including things like "delicious" and "scrumptious" when he started learning how to talk a bit earlier on.  He's also shown intrigue in learning songs and remembering quite a bit especially at his young age.

He continues to amaze us even now, as he learns more things and takes a quick grasp to learning.  He's at a point now where he's sounding out letters to read small words like "cat" or "top".  His eagerness to learn is something we're amazed at, and pray that he continues to embrace this desire as he grows older and older.  He is a very smart boy, and a big reason in having the website named "Our Smart Kid".  We're grateful to God for such a wonderful child, and look forward to his continued growth!

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